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Life lessons

Trauma that does not go away: the loss of a child and a brother featuring the David Owens family.

Trauma that does not go away: the loss of a child and a brother featuring the David Owens family.

Here in the United States, we began to see evidence of the unprecedented challenge to our healthcare systems and economy and wonder if our democracy would be strong enough to withstand the attacks on our constitution. Globally, our world has been challenged in a way it had not been for over 100 years. An invisible enemy has invaded our privacy, routines, expectations, and hopes. Some of you, like me, have felt mental and emotional uncertainty and unrest. Everything that could be shaken is now shaking, where noise, angry noise, drowns laughter and love. And yet, a look behind this external…
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Legacy is for the living with father and son Courtney and Asa Nero

Legacy is for the living with father and son Courtney and Asa Nero

Ray Bradbury, in Fahrenheit 451, says, “Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child, a book, a painting, a house, a wall built, or a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touched some way, so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you’re there. Dara Horn says. “Every person has a legacy. You may not know your impact, and it may not be something you can write on your tombstone, but every person impacts this world.”…
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“THIS IS US” featuring Cape Cod Entrepreneur Sandy Wycoff.

"THIS IS US" featuring Cape Cod Entrepreneur Sandy Wycoff.

Life will accommodate you in any way that you choose. It is always listening to the silent requests of your heart and mind. It is always surveying the landscape of your heart, gathering the bits and pieces of the emotions buried there. Life can be an open book to learn about great mysteries and wonders. It can also be a mysterious and frightening pit you fear to tread. Or it can be a basket into which you can place your treasures and carry abundant blessings. Until today, you may not have realized that life answers your requests. You may not…
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Were it not for those who cared, featuring Courtney Pierce of Samaritan House.

Were it not for those who cared, featuring Courtney Pierce of Samaritan House.

So, what if you believed the greatest service you could offer in life is to be a light on the path? Samaritan House fosters personal safety, growth, and self-sufficiency in adults and their children through freedom from sexual and domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness. Since 1984, Samaritan House has provided emergency and permanent housing, support services, and community outreach to victims of violence and homeless families in the Hampton Roads region. Clients receive support through case management, counseling, victim advocacy, nutrition assistance, transportation, access to medical care, and vocational training. Our children’s program works with youth to establish healthy…
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Thank you for your service CAF Red Tail Squadron Leader Bill Shepard!

Thank you for your service CAF Red Tail Squadron Leader Bill Shepard!

This month’s theme is: Thank you for your Service, Then and Now. I am passionate about celebrating veterans and active-duty military who continually help us sustain and maintain our quality of life, often at the greatest of costs. We hear stories through various lenses this November and December, including wars fought, age, gender, race, family impact, and cultural and social legacies. Our stories have included Mary Jessie Herrera, a 100-pound, 20-year-old Military Policewoman who wore an M16 and a 9 mm sidearm in IRAQ as accessories. We have heard informative heart-to-heart stories from women who decided to serve in the…
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Were It Not For Those Who Cared Featuring David Joyner, Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County

Were It Not For Those Who Cared Featuring David Joyner, Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County

So, this week, we begin with a twist to create our common thought space for today. In the words of Isabel Wilkerson in her interview with Krista Tippet on NPR entitled The Heart is the Last Frontier. And I Quote, “With all due respect, I can’t want to!” For some, this is the best of times. For others, it feels like the worst of times. For the wise, it is seen as one season in history. For others, it feels like an impending eternity of uncertainty. Words like ‘us’ and ‘them’ no longer define diversity but decree exclusion. Anger has…
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There is always more: featuring award-winning playwright, author, and singer-songwriter Lezlie Revelle Zucker.

There is always more: featuring award-winning playwright, author, and singer-songwriter Lezlie Revelle Zucker.

There is always more. “If by chance no one has told you that they love you today, I would be honored to be the first to say I love you today. I love you because you are and have been so willing to grow. And my, how you have grown. You have grown from struggling to searching, from trying to do something to learning how to do it. You have grown from fear to having faith to demonstrating your courage. You have grown in many ways, consistently demonstrating your willingness and courage to take the next step toward the profound…
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REWIND: The Face of Homelessness With Tom Barnett, Director of Fairfax County Office To Prevent And End Homelessness

REWIND: The Face of Homelessness With Tom Barnett, Director of Fairfax County Office To Prevent And End Homelessness

According to one estimate, nearly 570,000 people nationwide were homeless on a night in 2019. It is estimated that over 3,000 people sleep outside every night in Seattle. By Associated Press, Wire Service Content April 10, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. Man Sentenced 4 Years for Poisoning 8 California Homeless People, By Associated Press, Wire Service Content April 9, 2021, at 9:48 p.m. No Address, No ID, and Struggling to Get Their Stimulus Checks. LOS ANGELES (AP) — It is easy to walk past the homeless, to disregard the guy lying on the street, or ignore the woman standing at an intersection holding a handwritten…
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Courageous Conversations about Climate Change Featuring PRX Living on Earth Podcast

Courageous Conversations about Climate Change Featuring PRX Living on Earth Podcast

What happens when you hear or read the words “climate change”? Are you curious? Do you think about your, or your children’s life or lifestyle? Do you feel threatened? Or do you wonder what’s the big deal? Or do you deny that climate change exists? The following information is not meant to scare but to raise awareness of our planet’s condition. That is why it is a part of the series titled a courageous conversation. Consider this: The changes in climate to date have little parallel in human history.  The last decade is quite likely the hottest the planet has…
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What About the Children? A Look Inside the World of Gen Z Featuring Dr. Unnatti Jain

What About the Children? A Look Inside the World of Gen Z Featuring Dr. Unnatti Jain

It has been proven to me many times that the greatest gifts you can give children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. They are amazing! Whether I was an educator, author, inspirational speaker, international talk show host, business owner, or survivor, living in my spirit has been the constant question, but what about the children?” In today’s episode, we will examine some collective challenges, particularly those of Generation Z. Gen Z makes up about 20% of the US population – we cannot afford to ignore them or let them suffer. Statistics also indicate that Gen Z…
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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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