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“THIS IS US” featuring Cape Cod Entrepreneur Sandy Wycoff.

"THIS IS US" featuring Cape Cod Entrepreneur Sandy Wycoff.

Life will accommodate you in any way that you choose. It is always listening to the silent requests of your heart and mind. It is always surveying the landscape of your heart, gathering the bits and pieces of the emotions buried there. Life can be an open book to learn about great mysteries and wonders. It can also be a mysterious and frightening pit you fear to tread. Or it can be a basket into which you can place your treasures and carry abundant blessings. Until today, you may not have realized that life answers your requests. You may not…
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Were It Not For Those Who Cared Featuring David Joyner, Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County

Were It Not For Those Who Cared Featuring David Joyner, Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County

So, this week, we begin with a twist to create our common thought space for today. In the words of Isabel Wilkerson in her interview with Krista Tippet on NPR entitled The Heart is the Last Frontier. And I Quote, “With all due respect, I can’t want to!” For some, this is the best of times. For others, it feels like the worst of times. For the wise, it is seen as one season in history. For others, it feels like an impending eternity of uncertainty. Words like ‘us’ and ‘them’ no longer define diversity but decree exclusion. Anger has…
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REWIND:Were it not for those who care, featuring Jaleh Moslehi, Chairperson of the Board, of the Center for Improving Women’s Lives

REWIND:Were it not for those who care, featuring Jaleh Moslehi, Chairperson of the Board, of the Center for Improving Women's Lives

Susan Taylor, Essence Magazine Editor-in-Chief said in her 1993 book, In the Spirit: “There is a wisdom that is as much a part of our being as our flesh and blood and bones. Intuition, the deepest knowing. It is alive in us as children as simple faith in our feelings. But as we grow up and the outer world begins to matter more, the channel to intuition narrows. Western culture stifles intuition, dismissing what can’t be explained logically and scientifically, and discouraging reflection and feeling. It offers no real answers to how life should be lived. But life is more…
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The blessings of legacy with Karen and Cheyenne Harris

The blessings of legacy with Karen and Cheyenne Harris

Legacy is about life and living. It’s about learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the future. The world isn’t connected only by molecules. It’s connected by stories, traditions, memories, hopes, and dreams. We are connected by the legacies passed down from those who came before us and the legacies we will pass down to those who come after us. English writer Dorothy Sayers, “Paradoxical as it may seem, to believe in youth is to look backward; to look forward, we must believe in age.” Today I have two guests that present legacy through different lenses.…
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Building a legacy through The High Tea Society featuring Mariessa Terrell, Esq.

Building a legacy through The High Tea Society featuring Mariessa Terrell, Esq.

“Little girls learn a lot from the women they grow up around, whether they are related or not. Older women are like midwives who assist in the birth of a young woman’s consciousness. It is not just what they do. It’s who they are and how they demonstrate who they are that provides young women with “womanhood training.” Young women and girls learn about themselves and what it means to be a woman by watching older women in their lives. They watch how and what (and if) they cook. They care what they wear, how they carry themselves, and how…
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This is Us featuring Linda Mann, artist extraordinaire, and resilience influencer.

This is Us featuring Linda Mann, artist extraordinaire, and resilience influencer.

Life coach Iyanla Vanzant says in her 2000 book Until Today, “Listen Carefully as if someone were whispering into your soul. There is something you must know. It is very important, no, it is imperative that you receive these words into the deepest core of your being. These words are essential to your very existence. They will feed, nurture, and nourish you. They will support, assist, and guide you. When all else fails, these words will give you the strength and courage you need to weather the storm and walk through the fire. These are simple words, yet they are…
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REWIND: A courageous conversation about the opioid crisis with Lucy Caldwell

REWIND: A courageous conversation about the opioid crisis with Lucy Caldwell

I want to open the door to a common thought space with some quotes from people who have walked into dark places and come up with dark solutions or who have loved others who have done so. I don’t know anyone who wakes up and say, “I want to be a criminal, I want to be homeless, or I want to be an addict. And yet sometimes the unlikely happens… Anonymous from Birmingham Alabama says: “I’m a good person. I’m a contributing member of society. I’m educated. I have a good job, make good money, have wonderful relationships with my…
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Women’s History Month Celebrates Nikki Giovanni, Poet Extraordinaire

Women’s History Month Celebrates Nikki Giovanni, Poet Extraordinaire

In her own words, “We had music growing up, 78RPM’s that evolved into 45RPM’s and, always, the radio.  The radio in my day, Black and white, played everything.  Gospel Spirituals, even some opera when Leontyne Price came along.  You could listen to R & B late at night or you could go to the other station and listen to popular music.  There was also jazz if the wind was right.  I feel so sorry for the kids who only hear one kind of music.  Where do your dreams come from? My dream was not to publish or to even be…
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Women’s History Month Celebrates Michelle Obama

Women's History Month Celebrates Michelle Obama

It’s March, National Women’s History Month when we intentionally recognize the ongoing great contributions women have made to our nation. Frankly Speaking with Tyra G is celebrating this month with a twist. We are looking at phenomenal women and how we embrace and manage our universal experiences, our rainbows and clouds, and our courage and resolve. We are a journey, not a destination; a process, not an event. Even when we are still, we are motion; loving, serving, nurturing, encouraging, and empowering. We are love and love does. But sometimes, sometimes we get stuck between our no longer the familiar,…
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Women’s History Month salutes women daring greatly, featuring Helenia Bragg and Kari Galloway and the story of Friends of Guest House

Women's History Month salutes women daring greatly, featuring Helenia Bragg and Kari Galloway and the story of Friends of Guest House

We begin Women’s History and Appreciation Month celebrating phenomenal women who walk into this space through many doors. They willingly share their stories authentically and often vulnerably in order to pay forward what they have learned and to celebrate each other.  Thank you, ladies! Irish author C.S. Lewis says, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You Too? I thought I was the only one.” As a result of the women who have agreed to join me at the table, many friendships, although virtual will be forged. Author and life coach Iyanla Vanzant says,…
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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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