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REWIND: A courageous conversation about the opioid crisis with Lucy Caldwell

REWIND: A courageous conversation about the opioid crisis with Lucy Caldwell

I want to open the door to a common thought space with some quotes from people who have walked into dark places and come up with dark solutions or who have loved others who have done so. I don’t know anyone who wakes up and say, “I want to be a criminal, I want to be homeless, or I want to be an addict. And yet sometimes the unlikely happens… Anonymous from Birmingham Alabama says: “I’m a good person. I’m a contributing member of society. I’m educated. I have a good job, make good money, have wonderful relationships with my…
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Women’s History Month Celebrates Michelle Obama

Women's History Month Celebrates Michelle Obama

It’s March, National Women’s History Month when we intentionally recognize the ongoing great contributions women have made to our nation. Frankly Speaking with Tyra G is celebrating this month with a twist. We are looking at phenomenal women and how we embrace and manage our universal experiences, our rainbows and clouds, and our courage and resolve. We are a journey, not a destination; a process, not an event. Even when we are still, we are motion; loving, serving, nurturing, encouraging, and empowering. We are love and love does. But sometimes, sometimes we get stuck between our no longer the familiar,…
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Women’s History Month salutes women daring greatly, featuring Helenia Bragg and Kari Galloway and the story of Friends of Guest House

Women's History Month salutes women daring greatly, featuring Helenia Bragg and Kari Galloway and the story of Friends of Guest House

We begin Women’s History and Appreciation Month celebrating phenomenal women who walk into this space through many doors. They willingly share their stories authentically and often vulnerably in order to pay forward what they have learned and to celebrate each other.  Thank you, ladies! Irish author C.S. Lewis says, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You Too? I thought I was the only one.” As a result of the women who have agreed to join me at the table, many friendships, although virtual will be forged. Author and life coach Iyanla Vanzant says,…
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Women’s History Month Celebrates Service Women of the Vietnam War

Women's History Month Celebrates Service Women of the Vietnam War

Women’s History Month is celebrating veterans and active-duty military who keep us and have kept us out of constant harm’s way, often at great costs. Considering this is the year after the 101st year anniversary of WWI, we are reminded that war is a part of human history. My goal is to share diverse war stories across the spectrum of age, gender, and race to include family impact and cultural legacies. The Vietnam war was my coming-of-age war. I became immersed in and confused by the concurrent war at home, about the necessity of US involvement, while at the same time grieving…
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Tapping into Joy featuring Deb Beroset, award-winning journalist, speaker, and seasoned PR expert.

Tapping into Joy featuring Deb Beroset, award-winning journalist, speaker, and seasoned PR expert.

Author and coach Iyanla Vanzant, in her 2000 book, Until Today, suggests, “If you are waiting for something to happen that will make you happy, you are killing off your joy. Joy comes through you. Happiness comes to you. If you seek your joy within, you will be happy, no matter what happens. It is easy to believe in more than what you can see when you know you will be protected, guided, and blessed. If you only believe what you can see around you, you may miss the blessings right under your nose. If you have and hold love…
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Were it Not for Those Who Care featuring Ashleigh Conrad, Engagement Manager, Girls on the Run

Were it Not for Those Who Care featuring Ashleigh Conrad, Engagement Manager, Girls on the Run

The 1977 theme song for a film about Mohammed Ali, “The Greatest Love of All,” was written and composed by Michael Masser, with lyrics by Linda Creed, and sung by George Benson. The beginning lyrics lay the perfect introduction to this week’s Frankly Speaking radio show discussion, Were it Not for Those Who Care. “I believe that children are our future    Teach them well and let them lead the way        Show them all the beauty they possess inside                                     …
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Thank you for your service featuring Brig-Gen, USAF, Ret. Sandra Gregory

Thank you for your service featuring Brig-Gen, USAF, Ret. Sandra Gregory

Do you go the extra mile? Do you do more than what is expected? Do you expect the best? These questions pertain not only to your relationship with the world but also to how you treat yourself. Do you go the extra mile when it comes to you, or do you think that the least is enough for you? Going the extra mile means taking what you have and looking for ways to expand it— you believe in your ability to make it happen. Going the extra mile means doing just a little more than is expected, being just a…
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A Voice From the Future Featuring Ms. Amira Holland Speaking on L.O.V.E.

A Voice From the Future Featuring Ms. Amira Holland Speaking on L.O.V.E.

I intentionally created Frankly Speaking with Tyra G with an intergenerational, multicultural audience in mind. Thematic content helps keep our stories fresh and relevant. This evening, our story is curated from our HUMAN LIBRARY theme: Voices From the Future. Hearing the next generations’ hopes, dreams, and concerns is always delightful. It serves as a kind of report card on how we are doing. Legacy is an interconnection across time, with a need for those who have come before us and a responsibility to those who come after us. We need to understand that the world isn’t connected by molecules. Stories,…
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Living in a space called dreams have hope with Chelsea Townsend

Living in a space called dreams have hope with Chelsea Townsend

If by chance no one has told you that they love you today. I would be honored to be the first to say, I love you today! I love you because you are and have been so willing to grow. And my how you have grown! You have grown from struggling to searching. From “trying to”  to “learning how to” . You’ve grown from fear to having faith, to demonstrating your courage. You have grown in many ways, consistently demonstrating your willingness and courage to take the next step —the step toward knowing more about yourself. That is exactly why…
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Chocolate After Midnight: Own Your Magic featuring Deb Beroset

Chocolate After Midnight: Own Your Magic featuring Deb Beroset

Chocolate is an excellent metaphor for life. It’s rich, full of energy, and joyful to the senses. It also represents some of the struggles in life: guilt, complexity, and unrelenting desire for more. Midnight is the transition from one day to the next, a point in time. Today, Frankly Speaking with Tyra G invites all listeners to Chocolate after Midnight. Each time we share Chocolate after Midnight, we walk out of judgment and into a space of acceptance. We walk out of fear and into a place where “impossible” is merely a word to describe the degree of difficulty. Here…
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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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