In the Memory Box Journal, I offer you an opportunity to enter the sitting room of your soul, be courageous enough to be vulnerable and strong enough to be genuine. Let it be the keeper of your intimate thoughts and feelings. Let it be a place to reflect on and accept the starts and stops of your journey. Here, you don’t have to be perfect, just present. Here, you and your inner awesome can practice authenticity and vulnerability. Here, in the presence, power, and provision of God’s Grace, you may come as you are, but don’t leave the way you came; leave better!
is a best selling author, Breakthrough Speaker and Spiritual coach. She has spent the last fifteen years mentoring and coaching those needing direction and support in the areas of life skills, leadership development, effective and efficient communications, and improved self-image.
Connect with Tyra to get the support and help you need.
Contact Info:
Tyra Garlington
For Bookings and Inquiries: (813) 994-9462
As a Breakthrough Coach, Spiritual Coach and Christian Coach, Tyra offers a variety of breakthrough services including but not limited to:
Personal Empowerment Coach :: Spiritual Coaching :: Breakthrough Coaching :: Christian Speaker :: Professional Speaker :: Breakthrough Speaker :: Personal Empowerment Speaker
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