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Breakthrough Coaching

What About the Children? A Look Inside the World of Gen Z Featuring Dr. Unnatti Jain

What About the Children? A Look Inside the World of Gen Z Featuring Dr. Unnatti Jain

It has been proven to me many times that the greatest gifts you can give children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. They are amazing! Whether I was an educator, author, inspirational speaker, international talk show host, business owner, or survivor, living in my spirit has been the constant question, but what about the children?” In today’s episode, we will examine some collective challenges, particularly those of Generation Z. Gen Z makes up about 20% of the US population – we cannot afford to ignore them or let them suffer. Statistics also indicate that Gen Z…
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Meet Phenomenal Woman and Best Selling Author Dr. Bernadette Anderson

Meet Phenomenal Woman and Best Selling Author Dr. Bernadette Anderson

Iyanla Vanzant, Life Coach, and Author offers the following in her 2000 book Until Today. “Shhhh! Don’t tell that story again. Do not talk about how so many bad people wronged you. Please do not talk about him, her, or them unless it will make you feel better right now. Hush! Don’t utter another syllable about the pain and losses that have left you broken unless you are ready to recover right now. Stop! Dragging yourself back there, reminding yourself about how bad it was for you then unless it is relevant to what you are doing right now. Each…
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This is Us featuring Author and Ted Talk speaker Michelle Petties, about Leaving Large Part 2

This is Us featuring Author and Ted Talk speaker Michelle Petties, about Leaving Large Part 2

We continue discussing with Michelle Petties., her book, and the mentoring program about Leaving Large. “Life will work for me when I accept … The labels placed on me don’t always fit. With its structures, expectations, and divisions, society has fostered certain ideas about women that are not always flattering. Many people believe that strong women are not feminine and that assertive women cannot be trusted. My all-time favorite is that women who exhibit any degree of clarity about who they are and what they want are dangerous. Do not forget that a bossy woman is domineering, making her the…
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This is Us, featuring Author and Ted Talk speaker about Leaving Large, Ms. Michelle Piettes Part 1

This is Us, featuring Author and Ted Talk speaker about Leaving Large, Ms. Michelle Piettes Part 1

I quote “Life will work for me when I accept … The labels placed on me don’t always fit. With its structures, expectations, and divisions, society has fostered certain ideas about women that are not always flattering. Many people believe that strong women are not feminine and that assertive women cannot be trusted. My all-time favorite is that women who exhibit any degree of clarity about who they are and what they want are dangerous. Do not forget that a bossy woman is domineering, making her the B word. We won’t bother to mention the myths that women are not…
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REWIND: Sweep in a new season with the courage to be vulnerable with Dr. Brene Brown and Krista Tippett from NPR

REWIND: Sweep in a new season with the courage to be vulnerable with Dr. Brene Brown and Krista Tippett from NPR

Spring is the season during which the natural world revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months. During spring, dormant plants begin to grow again, new seedlings sprout out of the ground and hibernating animals awake. What are you doing to revive and reinvigorate your dreams, your soul, your mind? What script are you creating? Does it contain thoughts like “I am not enough!” or “I am more than enough!”? Are you stuck between your no longer and you not yet? Or are you willing to take new risks and experience the vulnerability that comes with it? Do you understand that…
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Meet Ms. Quay Holland, WELLTH Coach and Rebalance Strategist

Meet  Ms. Quay Holland, WELLTH Coach and Rebalance Strategist

Karmic astrologer Dora Jones believes, And I quote; “Each of us comes into life with a promise, a gift, a passion, and a deep, heartfelt desire.” The promise is what you have come to life to master. You have promised to overcome, resolve, or heal some aspect of your consciousness. As you face your life’s experiences, you are given the opportunity to fulfill this promise. Your responses to your experiences determine whether you fulfill or break the promise you have made to yourself. The gift is what you have come to give to life. It is the cornerstone of self-determination and…
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Tapping into Joy featuring Deb Beroset, award-winning journalist, speaker, and seasoned PR expert.

Tapping into Joy featuring Deb Beroset, award-winning journalist, speaker, and seasoned PR expert.

Author and coach Iyanla Vanzant, in her 2000 book, Until Today, suggests, “If you are waiting for something to happen that will make you happy, you are killing off your joy. Joy comes through you. Happiness comes to you. If you seek your joy within, you will be happy, no matter what happens. It is easy to believe in more than what you can see when you know you will be protected, guided, and blessed. If you only believe what you can see around you, you may miss the blessings right under your nose. If you have and hold love…
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REWIND: What About the Children? Dr. Roz, Child and Family Therapist, Considers Their LandscapeToday

REWIND: What About the Children? Dr. Roz, Child and Family Therapist, Considers Their LandscapeToday

The challenge for us today is to be a lighthouse in the next generation’s lives. Be on the lookout for lost souls in this season of intense uncertainty and unrest. Be alert to those who may be in need and have nowhere to go or no way to get there. Be sensitive to children who are left out, leftover, or left behind. Be a lighthouse to a child. Show children protection and guidance. You don’t have to say much; just let the child know you are there should the need arise. Roselyn V. Baker-Black, affectionately known as Dr. Roz, has…
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REWINDING Courageous Conversations: Surviving Human Trafficking Featuring Susan Young.

REWINDING Courageous Conversations: Surviving Human Trafficking Featuring Susan Young.

Our theme these two months is Courageous Conversations. It’s Big! And sometimes uncomfortable. To get a return on our investment, we must invest in our authenticity and vulnerability. We will have to be perfectly imperfect and receive, in love, information about issues that may be uncomfortable to think about, deal with, anticipate, and forgive. We will contemplate, evaluate, learn about, be surprised by, and celebrate. We discovered during previous shows that the ability to have a courageous conversation is often a process, a journey, not an event. It does not always just happen when it logically should; sometimes, one must…
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Moments of Mindfulness: The Wind Relieving Pose, a loving embrace.

Moments of Mindfulness: The Wind Relieving Pose, a loving embrace.

This season of uncertainty has played havoc with our bodies, our nerves, our finances, our self- compassion. So, can we in times like these interpret life to move us toward peace. I am glad you asked. The following is a recommendation of mindfulness and treating yourself like someone you love. It a gift from one of my favorite wellness experts and frequent visitors to the Frankly Speaking with Tyra G radio show, Ms. Sherrell Moore-Tucker, creator of MindBody FAITH, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and Yoga expert. “Although this is a pose called ‘wind relieving pose’ I consider it a loving embrace.…
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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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