This season of uncertainty has played havoc with our bodies, our nerves, our finances, our self- compassion. So, can we in times like these interpret life to move us toward peace. I am glad you asked.
The following is a recommendation of mindfulness and treating yourself like someone you love. It a gift from one of my favorite wellness experts and frequent visitors to the Frankly Speaking with Tyra G radio show, Ms. Sherrell Moore-Tucker, creator of MindBody FAITH, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and Yoga expert.
“Although this is a pose called ‘wind relieving pose’ I consider it a loving embrace. Whether you feel down and out, sad, tired, or anxiety this pose is a wonderful way to extend love to yourself. Here is how:
Lay on your back, draw your knees towards your chest (you can take the knees apart to provide space for your torso), and wrap your arms around your shins or the back of your legs in a loving embrace, and let yourself drift away.
Take 5-7 deep breaths.
This pose is also loaded with health benefits.
🌅 soothing stiffness in the spine
🌅 relieving indigestion and bloating
🌅 releasing tension in the lower back, hips, and thighs
So, take a moment to show yourself some love today with this beginner’s yoga pose.”
- In the between:
- Stay encouraged
- Stay confident.
- Stay strong.
Until next time, remember,
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.