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Welcome to the Whimsical World of Mrs. Z featuring Caroline Zarinelli

Welcome to the Whimsical World of Mrs. Z featuring Caroline Zarinelli

The drive to do what you’re good at is instinct. It is what you were created to do. Human instinct in action is pure joy. It’s like a work of art in motion. Your instinct will draw you to the unique expression of your gifts. You can only be fruitful out of your own understanding of and connection with what is in your core.  It is the urging inside you that tells you to make your move now, to reach out now, to hold back until later, or to never give up. Instinct must merge with a purpose to give…
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Phenomenal women Afrika Bell Kathuria and Michele Sandiford share Zebra Ears, their creative collaboration.

Phenomenal women Afrika Bell Kathuria and Michele Sandiford share Zebra Ears, their creative collaboration.

This month we celebrate the Phenomenal Women who walk into this space through many doors. They authentically share their stories, often vulnerably pay forward what they have learned, and celebrate each other.  Thank you, ladies! Life is always listening to the silent requests of your heart and mind. Life is always surveying the landscape of your heart, gathering the bits and pieces of the emotions buried there. Life is always monitoring the activity of your tongue, checking for ruins and sacred elements. Life knows that your mind, heart, and mouth will produce the requests of your consciousness even when you…
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Rotarians Meesh Peters and Sam Marigu create family beyond borders from Virginia to villiges in Africa.

Rotarians Meesh Peters and Sam Marigu create family beyond borders from Virginia to villiges in Africa.

Today, we are living in an ongoing season of uncertainty and unrest. We have all been touched by a fresh sense of fragility in ourselves and our social systems. This is a testing time. This is a time to accept that empathy is unlimited. This is a time to realize that you are doing better than you think. This is a time to elevate voices of hope. This is the time to reimagine what is essential. This is a time for believers to remember the author of Genesis is also the author of Revelation. He is still in the miracle…
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The blessing of life and legacy featuring Karen and Cheyenne Harris

The blessing of life and legacy featuring Karen and Cheyenne Harris

A legacy may take many forms – children, grandchildren, a business, an ideal, a book, a community, a home, or some piece of ourselves. Our legacy naturally intrigues us. Understandably, we would want to know how the world will remember us after we’re gone. How many of us will be surprised? How many of us live so that our legacy reflects all that we genuinely hold most near and dear? How many of us are living with integrity and courage? Leaving a legacy is a human need. It is, in part, selfish – we want to feel immortal. We also…
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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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