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Welcome to the Whimsical World of Mrs. Z featuring Caroline Zarinelli

The drive to do what you’re good at is instinct. It is what you were created to do. Human instinct in action is pure joy. It’s like a work of art in motion. Your instinct will draw you to the unique expression of your gifts. You can only be fruitful out of your own understanding of and connection with what is in your core.  It is the urging inside you that tells you to make your move now, to reach out now, to hold back until later, or to never give up. Instinct must merge with a purpose to give you a life that fulfills your destiny. And all gifts must be given a place of expression in order for Destiny to unfold. And no matter how gifted you are, you need a place of expression. That place is Destiny.

Hatched many moons ago, Caroline Zarinelli was soon given the name “Carrie Canary with the Red Red Shoes” for her zestful love of singing, dancing, and signature red Keds. As time passed, the little whippersnapper began writing and directing neighborhood musicals (in the back lot behind her house) which led directly to her do-not-pass-go-or-collect-$200-drumroll-please…degree in Theatre!

After decades in the school house and studying what is now called “Arts Integration” at Harvard’s Project Zero, Boston Arts Academy, Opening Minds Through the Arts, and Arts Integration Solutions, Mrs. Z has returned to her cottage to create, coach, host Cottage Kids, and produce Blanket Theatre shows.

This evening, you are invited to sample a few of the creative gifts that are embodied in Caroline’s destiny.

Take a listen and let me know what you think.

    Until next time, remember,
  • You are not alone.
  • You are not your circumstances.
  • You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.

is a best selling author, Breakthrough Speaker and Spiritual coach. She has spent the last fifteen years mentoring and coaching those needing direction and support in the areas of life skills, leadership development, effective and efficient communications, and improved self-image. Connect with Tyra to get the support and help you need. Contact Info: Tyra Garlington Email: For Bookings and Inquiries: (813) 994-9462 As a Breakthrough Coach, Spiritual Coach and Christian Coach, Tyra offers a variety of breakthrough services including but not limited to: Personal Empowerment Coach :: Spiritual Coaching :: Breakthrough Coaching :: Christian Speaker :: Professional Speaker :: Breakthrough Speaker :: Personal Empowerment Speaker

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Tyra's intuition and ability to coach you beyond the pain of your past and inspire you to do the work
necessary to step boldly into your future is phenomenal. She is one of the wisest women I know and I
am delighted to have her in my corner, cheering me on along the way. With Tyra on my side, I am confident that I will move through the challenges life brings.”

Lethia Owens, President/CEO, Game Changers International, Inc.

Disclaimer - Coaching services provide support, guidance and insight for clients and should in no way be viewed as professional counseling or therapy. It should be noted that with any coaching session, outcomes have many intervening variables and many possible outcomes.

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