What if I told you there is no line?
There is you and your dreams and your talents and your hopes. There is your pain, your sorrow and your shame. Then there is your purpose, the reason you are on this earth.
Purpose is that for which we are designed. That for which we are perfect. Purpose is our what, our when, and our how. It is knowing why we are. Our generation is evidence this generation needs something that our life contains. Our birth is evidence that our purpose is necessary. And yet many of us go through life feeling like we are standing in line for something beyond what we already have.
There are countless individuals who have achieved an incredible amount of success but have found themselves struggling with an inner hunger for personal fulfillment and significance. And because success is often associated with accomplishments, material possessions or high positions of power, some may stay too long in the wrong places. They may allow the people around them to define them. In doing so, they sacrifice the purpose-filled life they were meant to live. Their essence is missing in action.
So how do you step out of line and into to your purpose?
Steps are created to move us from one place to the next. There is preparation and testing with each step forward. Your readiness determines your movement. It is a process.
Step one: Be authentically you. Ask what stops you? What motivates you? Clarify your beliefs and values. Manage your capacity and embrace your limitations. If you don’t know who you are, you can’t get where you want to go.
Step two: Live intentionally. Separate yourself from your circumstances. Get in touch with your vision. Your vision will set your goals. Your goals will determine your priorities. Your priorities will determine your decisions. Protect the opening of your mind.
Step three: Fuel your power. Let go of belief systems that are barriers to your goals. Perfect your skills and discipline. Have faith after failure to try again. Then realign, reposition and restore.
Step four: Turn your attributes into actions e.g. determination, commitment, courage, patience, compassion, forgiveness and wisdom. It is okay to be afraid if your courage is greater than your fear. Step into your purpose. Be fulfilled. Live your legacy now.
I invite you to join the conversation. This is your place. Like, comment and share your thoughts.
Until next time, remember,
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.