Pause with me to appreciate the legacy left by the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Then from your grateful heart declare, “I thank you for your service!”
― G.K. Chesterton says “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” That would be us.
Then again what about the warriors who come home with both invisible and visible wounds? Their wounds belong to all of us. They deserve our compassion and empathy. They deserve our look and see and not our look away. They deserve our fix to the cruelty of the clinical deficits available to them when they arrive. They deserve our engagement, encouragement, and our inspiration. They deserve inclusion and homes and work and dignity. They deserve us to live our lives like what they did makes a difference.
And so I ask myself, how do I live my life honoring their sacrifice? And “myself” answers me that I should:
- Always remember that every person is a complex bundle of emotions, ideas, motivations, reflexes, priorities, and many other subtle aspects. I must respect differences and connect responsibly.
- Learn from my past, live emotionally honest in the present and keep reaching forward.
- Realize the space and time right now, at this moment, is my life and that life is a fleeting vapor.
- Create a little bit of my legacy each day… just in case tomorrow never comes.
- Live with a clear mind and heart so I can experience the world through a lens of love rather than fear.
- Go through the day and look at someone’s face and silently say to them, “The love in me salutes the love in you.” To live without love becomes a limitation.
- Work to perform at my potential; to fulfill my created intent and design and avoid expectations of problems.
- Limit myself only when I want to facilitate and honor a special relationship or connection. For example, let the two-year-old in my life win a game in order to feel accomplishment and love.
- Be excited about contributing and continue to live a life of service.
- Continue to support Wounded Warriors.
What does your list look like? Please comment on and share this post.
Until next time, remember,
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.