When was the last time you “watered” yourself; gave yourself something you needed? When was the last time you treated yourself with love and realized that your imperfections were indeed, gifts?
I believe with every breath I take that my purpose in life is to encourage, support and inspire others to believe they are worthy and not alone. I try my best to make my words helpful, hopeful and whenever possible happy. I don’t always succeed. What I have learned (the hard way) is that I’m okay even when I come up short. However, I didn’t get to this place of self-compassion without a journey. The truth is I almost didn’t make it.
For twenty two years I practiced being a superwoman, I mean serious superwoman with an “S” on my chest and a long flowing red cape to cover all of the trappings of who I thought I should be. I was supposed to be superwomen unable to succumb to pain. So I hid that pain away and hoped that no one could really see me, judge me and find my deviations from strong womanhood. My goal was to exceed all expectations as a wife, mother, and professional. I felt I always had to be ON and look the part, compete with the boys and win at all costs … and there were costs. I felt I had to know all of the answers all the time just to be respected.
But here’s the thing. I was tired, no exhausted, but couldn’t show it because … I was superwoman. Sometimes I used my superpowers to become invisible because I didn’t want others to see me in pain. I suffered in silence with low self-esteem, fear of not being successful and debilitated by depression. My superpowers were not so super after all. I learned the “S” on my chest no longer represented a super power, it stood for shame. Shame is so disturbing because no other emotion has the power to make you feel wounded within and humiliated by the thought that somehow there is something very wrong with you.
Don’t let the world take you there. You are not the negative or challenging circumstances in which you find yourself. You have a purpose. You are worthy. My words shout, “Let the only ‘S’ on your chest signify Strength! Survivor! Significant! Special! Substantial!” That’s who you are. We owe ourselves and each other to live inside self-compassion and dignity.
If you want, please comment and share that you understand the passion behind my words. I love that you meet me here. I value you.
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.