You love, you marry, you have children.
Mothers are children’s first teachers from the womb. Yet, at some point, parents realize that the multiple intelligences of their children need enhanced nurturing. Their minds and spirits need challenge and encouragement and outlets to creativity. The subtle byproducts of healthy educational systems are critical life skills to include confidence, embracing diversity, good communication, high ethical standards, honesty, teamwork, the ability to listen, authenticity, selflessness, understanding, and empowerment. Children are unlimited possibilities waiting to be born. And yet, we pay those we trust with their advancement approximately 20% less than similar professions.[1]
Enter, suddenly, an invisible enemy that made visible current challenges to education.
Suddenly, approximately 56.6 million elementary and secondary school children are at home.[2] Every home is not easily converted into a functional school, playground, and office. Every parent is not intuitively a teacher, adviser, and confidant. Every teacher and every child has unique learning and communication styles. Multiple intelligences cannot be embraced and encouraged using an inflexible model of instruction. COVID 19 became a massive shock to parents’ productivity, but also to children’s social life and learning.
Enter, an excellent opportunity to reimagine our educational system to be ongoing life support for a robust society. Enter a chance to recognize and honor the heroes of the classroom. Enter a chance to better serve the underserved children who: are homeless, live in food deserts, have special needs, are victims of domestic violence, are victims of human trafficking, live in foster care, or have no idea how worthy they are?
Enter an opportunity to remember when we were children. If not for those who loved us and who cared enough to show us, where would we be today? What about the children? Please do not turn and walk away. Tomorrow starts today.
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.