“Ten years from now, it won’t really matter what shoes you wore today, how your hair looked, or what brand of clothes you wore. What will matter is how you lived, how you loved, and what you learned along the way.
Deep down you know this already, right?
Yet today, just like the majority of us, you are easily distracted and derailed by the insignificant.
You give too much of your time to meaningless time-wasters.
You step through days, skeptically, with inner resistance.
You take your important relationships for granted.
You get caught up in hurtful drama.
You give in to your doubts.
And the list goes on.
But why?
Why do you follow these hurtful patterns of behavior?
Why do you set yourself up for regret when you know better?
Because you’re human, and human beings are imperfect creatures that make misjudgments constantly. We get caught up in our own heads, and literally don’t know our lives to be any better than the few things that aren’t going our way. And as our minds subconsciously dwell on these things, we try to distract ourselves to numb the tension we feel. But by doing so, we also distract ourselves from what matters most.
We scrutinize and dramatize the petty annoyances in our lives until we’re blue in the face, and then we sit back and scratch our heads in bewilderment of how unfulfilling and empty life feels.
But the older we grow, the more focused we tend to become, and the less pointless drama, distraction, and busyness we engage in. Life humbles us gradually as we age. We begin to realize just how much nonsense we’ve wasted time on. And we begin to adjust our focus toward what’s truly important.
Are you ready to adjust your focus?
Today, I challenge you to be an old soul—to adjust your focus sooner rather than later . . . to dodge the avoidable regret and stress on the horizon.”[1]
[1] http://www.marcandangel.com/2017/12/11/16-tiny-stories-of-regret-that-will-change-the-way-you-live/#more-5114
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.