“Even when our masks irritate our skin, and we can’t relax or be ourselves, we still resist change.
This epic performance is a huge drain on our minds, bodies, and souls. It’s a hard act to constantly pretend to be, or feel like you need to be, someone else. Similarly, it’s very draining to regularly act like you feel one way when you really feel another.
Wearing a mask protects us from vulnerability. I fear that if I stand tall and exposed, I’ll be “weak” in some way. But when you wear a mask you stand in resistance to your true life and end up attracting realities that conflict with who you really are.
Becoming authentic is a process to begin knowing ourselves. To understand our own personality traits, behaviors, values, beliefs, needs goals and motives. It’s having the courage to acknowledge our limitations, and embrace our own vulnerability.
Make a list of words that describe the person you want to be. Look deep inside and concentrate on who you are, not what you do. Are you passionate, nerdy, curious, and loving?
Take off the mask slowly, start by changing one habit. Turn down someone’s request or express what you really think to one person. Putting your needs first, is the only way to truly love and be there for others, much like putting your mask on first in a crashing plane, you’re no good to anyone if you’re drained and depleted. This is the beginning of the beautiful self-love that is within your grasp, and you can choose to flourish it by breaking the people pleasing habit, one person and one act at a time.
Life is life, it will never be perfect. But exposing your true imperfect self opens you up to a world of deeper, meaningful, and supportive relationships.”
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” — Kurt Vonnegut[1]
[1] Tina Williamson on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mindful_dawn
Until next time, remember,
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.