Our future is walking among us now. Those currently in high school will be overseeing our “aging-in-place” and other activities in the “December” of our lives. We need to connect with them, to know them, to respect who they are as the people they are.
That is exactly what we are doing this month.
All month we have heard from Millennials and Generation Z guests on what are hot topics to them. We continue this week with what we are calling Sensitive Soundtracks from Generation Z. Today you will be entertained, encouraged, and empowered by the gift of talent from representatives of the McClean Youth Orchestra in Virginia. My youngest guest is in the fifth grade and provides hope that we will be well taken care of in the future.
Listen and be entertained by Lucia Noto, Graham Skrtic, Veronica Jackson.
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.