“In the last 4 years, I have been let go, promoted and even quit jobs. I found myself to be in a constant search for “my fit,” “my people” and “my place.” I have adapted my cover letter so many times that I am not even sure which skills I am really great at and which ones need work. I have interviewed by phone, email and in person. I have been the perfect chameleon with 1-part charisma, 1- part authenticity and 2- parts baloney. You want me to be more administrative, sure. You want me to be more creative, sure. You want me to be more adaptable, sure.I should have seen this ending coming from a mile away. What was I thinking? How far did I expect to go trying to be all things to all people?
I would quickly lose myself in every job. I would give away my best parts in return for title, status, stability, and acknowledgment. And as to be expected, I was disappointed by each organization.
They (of course) seemed to be incapable of fulfilling my insatiable need of belonging. I honestly didn’t know how to get out of the system that I thought I had become an expert of.
I was extremely co-dependent on a false reality. No job can give me a sense of belonging. No organization can fulfill my need for acknowledgment.
My hope, my substance and my future are found in God and God alone.
He has been near me all along, patiently waiting for me to take a risk on the gifts and talents He gave me. He has been whispering to me during every job interview, “My daughter, people are waiting for you beyond these walls.”
It took a final fall for me to say out loud, “I have nothing left to lose…so I guess I could give MY DREAM a try.”[1]
[1] https://www.linkedin.com/in/ckatrinafrye/
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.