I care. I really do.
Last week while in a meeting, the gentleman sitting next to me leaned over and whispered, “I really enjoyed your blog last week. I thought I was the only one.”
He had no idea what that meant to me. He was a stranger. He didn’t know that I wonder if my words connect, encourage and let someone, anyone talk about sometimes uncomfortable things and to understand that no matter what, they are not alone. So take a look in this mirror and see how I see you and why I feel the way I do.
At some point in time, the God who created the heaven and earth, who decided where to hang each star in the galaxy and who taught the sun and moon how to light night and day made a promise, a plan and a provision for the one who would become you. He shaped you first inside then out, with your body and soul beautifully and marvelously made.
But just imagine that nine-tenths that of your possibilities have not yet been touched off. There is all kind of “good” that is struggling to be born from way inside. There are also worries, fears, doubts, that are wondering how to be expressed. And that’s okay. Because deep within you is a great toughness for your own integrity, a great tenacity in the face of serious problems. Your human nature is indestructible. You have an almost unlimited ability to take whatever comes, to go on striving in the midst of unbelievable difficulties and persecutions.
You are reaching out to be authentic … to express or experience a moment of truth; to be a part of a story and to have a song … of joy, excitement, LOVE! But you need to be known at a level deeper than words.
You are the kind of life that can live with someone rather than just alongside. To be in a creative relationship fulfills your nature as a person. You want to be understood.
I don’t want you to let sociology and psychology convince you that you are like others who fear their exceptional, brilliant, beautiful and smart inherent potential more than failure. Grab hold to your light and let it shine. You are worthy. You are a promise kept.
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.