Although motherhood related celebrations have existed for thousands of years, it was President Woodrow Wilson in 1914 who officially designated the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day in the United States.
Mother is our first intimate relationship, first friend, and teacher. She is created with special powers. She has eyes in the back of her head, can hear through walls, and can catch us before we fall. Her love is the launchpad for all kinds of promise. “Super-her-o” mother understands what her children do not say, makes a scraped knee better with a kiss, and gives hugs that last a lifetime. Mother always thinks twice, once for herself and once for her child. Forever forgiveness is tattooed on her heart.
Yet, surprisingly but necessarily, mother falls off her pedestal and is seen as a perfectly imperfect human by her children. They notice she has needs that beget desires to include others and careers and all sorts of stuff beyond caring just for them. They must share. This is unacceptable! How dare she!
This emotional struggle continues until children realize mother really is a “super-her-o.” She can deposit love in many places and make each recipient feel like the sun is shining on a rainy day. Encouraged by the promise that a mother’s love is a constant commitment, children manage the inevitable emotional cycle of intimate dependency, habit, harmony, separation, then friendship and a new interdependency. Unfortunately, there is no lesson plan to teach children how to live when a mother is only a memory. Then they must define themselves inspired by her legacy.
Make this mindfulness moment devotion to the woman or women who are playing or played the role of mother in your life. If you are not able to experience her hug personally this Mother’s Day, remember “mother hugs” transcend all situations. Stop by a mirror today, smile at the reflection you find there, and say, “Thank you, God, for mother!”
Until next time, remember,-
You are not alone.
You are not your circumstances.
You have everything within you to live a purpose-filled life.